Who was the hero who smashed SMRT train window yesterday during the breakdown? - Alvinology

Who was the hero who smashed SMRT train window yesterday during the breakdown?

Was it an Alien?

The new, upcoming Alien movie was shot in Singapore, set in a SMRT train (image via EDMW)
The new Alien movie was shot in Singapore, set in a SMRT train (image via EDMW)

Or was it an Angry Bird?

Angry Bird LIVE! Only on SMRT trains!
Angry Bird LIVE! Only on SMRT trains! (image via EDMW)

Or was it the Incredible Hulk?

Bruce Banner transformed into the Incredible Hulk to rescue SMRT passengers (image via EDMW)
Bruce Banner was so angry he turned into the Incredible Hulk (image via EDMW)


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Local hero on Lianhe Wanbao headline today
Local hero on Lianhe Wanbao headline today
The same hero was also featured in Shin Min Daily headline today
The same hero was also featured in Shin Min Daily headline today

It was a 31 year-old Singaporean insurance agent. Well done dude. I sewriously hope SMRT would not slap him with a fine for vandalism as the act was committed under extreme circumstances.


  1. I see one positive out of this, Singaporeans will know better how to react when some terrorists decide to attack Singapore. But the MRT staff need to buck up their SOP, the passengers are trapped for one hour !!

  2. Does anyone know him? He is a hero and we are trying to interview him!


    Shuli Sudderuddin (Ms)

    The Straits Times
    Singapore Press Holdings
    DID: (65) 63195005
    H/P: (65) 97835760

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