Was it an Alien?

Or was it an Angry Bird?

Or was it the Incredible Hulk?


It was a 31 year-old Singaporean insurance agent. Well done dude. I sewriously hope SMRT would not slap him with a fine for vandalism as the act was committed under extreme circumstances.
I see one positive out of this, Singaporeans will know better how to react when some terrorists decide to attack Singapore. But the MRT staff need to buck up their SOP, the passengers are trapped for one hour !!
Does anyone know him? He is a hero and we are trying to interview him!
Shuli Sudderuddin (Ms)
The Straits Times
Singapore Press Holdings
DID: (65) 63195005
H/P: (65) 97835760
Hi Shuli, I am your colleague working at SPH News Centre… click on the “About Alvin” tab http://alvinology.com/about/
Hi Alvin! Nice to “meet” you! Would you happen to know anything about this man?