"India's First Car Modification Show", produced and directed by Ankur Saxena - Alvinology

“India’s First Car Modification Show”, produced and directed by Ankur Saxena

The next Jeremy Clarkson?
The next Jeremy Clarkson?

Err… just watch the video. This may be the next Top Gear program to take the world by storm. Ankur Saxena could well be the next Jeremy Clarkson:

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjE3NjDdfts&”]

Technorati Tags: top gear, india top gear, indian top gear, jeremy clarkson, india jeremy clarkson, indian jeremy clarkson, india’s jeremy clarkson, ankur saxena, ankur saxena top gear, india’s first car modification show


  1. I am amazed by the whole process of modifications, although India doesn’t have as much access to tuning kits and devices, this is a well thought out and meticulous job done!

    I had to, however, chuckle, at the application of stickers on the exterior. Scion is the American youth-equivalent of Toyota, yet it is applied on a Suzuki. It only goes to show, that stickers on these modded/custom cars mean nothing. Much less to say about the HKS stickers.

  2. By far the worst thing to ever come out as a “car modification show”. They lack the brain power for actual modifications. And stick to sad visuals such as paint and fake stickers with wrong badging, and tacky Lambo doors. The general fact that they actually believe a generic “electric turbo fan intake” increases power. (which is does not in the slightest, in fact it takes away power because now you have a gimmicky chunk of plastic blocking direct air flow) is a clear sign that they have nothing to base themselves off other than factual American influences just as Fast And The Furious and Need For Speed. This is considered a cult classic in the car community as an overall dud where the point of true car modifications went completely over their heads and were not aware of it.

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