Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 6 of 6 - Alvinology

Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 6 of 6

Rachel is all packed and ready to go while I took some final shots of our hotel room
Rachel is all packed and ready to go while I took some final shots of our hotel room

On our last day in Hong Kong, I woke up early with Rachel to accompany her to catch the airport transfer train. We were flying back on different flights. She was to fly earlier in the morning via Tiger Airways while my flight with Cathay Pacific was scheduled at noon.

Empty hotel beds as we cleared our belongings
Empty hotel beds as we cleared our belongings
Rachel rushing out of our hotel, Mingle on the Wing
Rachel rushing out of our hotel, Mingle on the Wing

As Rachel woke up late, we did not have time to share breakfast together as she needs to rush off to the airport.

After seeing her off, I had the rest of the morning to myself. I wandered around the Sheung Wan (上环) area, near our hotel, Mingle on the Wing. By chance, I came across a wet market and wandered in to take some photos of heartland Hong Kong activities.

Old man selling preserved vegetable
Old man selling preserved vegetable
Fresh vegetable and flowers
Fresh vegetable and flowers
Another vegetable stall
Another vegetable stall
The fishmongers
The fishmongers
The meat section of the market
The meat section of the market
This skinned goat head shocked me
This skinned goat head shocked me
Row of food stalls
Row of food stalls
Some small eateries
Some small eateries
Dim sum stall
Dim sum stall

Hungry by now, I chose a nearby cha chaan teng (茶餐厅) opposite the market for a quick breakfast alone.

Dash to Cart

After breakfast, I wandered around more till I got to the Hong Kong-Macau ferry area before heading back to the hotel to collect my luggage and head off to the airport.

I chose to take the airport transfer bus instead of the MTR train as it was cheaper in cost, although it will take a little longer. It was beginning to rain heavily when I set off to the bus stop. Nonetheless, the bus ride was comfortable and quick.

I had my breakfast at this cha chan teng
I had my breakfast at this cha chan teng
My simple breakfast
My simple breakfast
I wandered till the Hong Kong to Macau ferry terminal area before heading off to the airport
I wandered till the Hong Kong to Macau ferry terminal area before heading off to the airport
View of the sea and stormy clouds
View of the sea and stormy clouds
Bus stop where I waited for my airport transfer bus
Bus stop where I waited for my airport transfer bus
The airport transfer bus was quite cosy and comfortable
The airport transfer bus was quite cosy and comfortable
Me, alone in the bus
Me, alone in the bus
Scenery along the way
Scenery along the way
Arriving at the airport, Terminal 1
Arriving at the airport, Terminal 1
Inside the airport
Inside the airport
View from the airport
View from the airport

At the airport, I ate lunch at Popeye’s before shopping around for some traditional Hong Kong snacks to bring back for my colleagues and family.

As it was still relatively early when I arrived at the airport, I ordered a set meal from Popeye's to eat
As it was still relatively early when I arrived at the airport, I ordered a set meal from Popeye’s to eat
The meal comes with chicken porridge
The meal comes with chicken porridge

My flight back was delayed by around two hours due to the stormy weather. I managed to finish watching the award-winning Hong Kong movie, Echoes of the Rainbow (岁月神偷) during the delay, making the wait less painful.

It was a very heartwarming movie. You should catch it if you can:

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/v/T4-RNuEnwwY?fs=1&hl=en_US”]
My flight dinner
My flight dinner

When I got home in Singapore, first thing Rachel and I did when we met was to stock take on our “hoots” from Hong Kong:

Cosmetic and beauty products which Rachel bought
Cosmetic and beauty products which Rachel bought
Traditional snacks which we bought to share with our colleagues and relatives
Traditional snacks which we bought to share with our colleagues and relatives
Two sets of Chinese books I bought at the Hong Kong Book Fair
Two sets of Chinese books I bought at the Hong Kong Book Fair
G.O.D. pillowcase for my sister
G.O.D. pillowcase for my sister
G.O.D. boxer shorts for my dad
G.O.D. boxer shorts for my dad
Stuff we bought from Wun Ying Collection, including a kaleidoscope lens for Rachel's sister
Stuff we bought from Wun Ying Collection, including a kaleidoscope lens for Rachel’s sister
Some clothings which Rachel bought
Some clothings which Rachel bought
Two shirts from Izzue and a Tough Jeans "Fill it Up" bag which I bought
Two shirts from Izzue and a Tough Jeans “Fill it Up” bag which I bought

Okay, this marks the end of my Hong Kong summer trip! 🙂

My previous Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB blog posts:

Flying Off to Hong Kong in a Few Hours

Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – A Prelude

Day 1: Dragon Boat Carnival Opening, Robatayaki at Busy Suzie

Day 2: Yuen Po Street Bird Garden, Flower Market and Goldfish Market; Gingko House at Gough Street; make-over with Celia Wong; and on board the Bounty

Day 3: Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival 2010; Hong Kong Old Restaurant; Tsim Sha Tsui and Temple Street shopping

Day 4: Lau Fu Kee Congee, Central/SoHo, Yin Yang with Margaret Xu, Gough Street and Temple Street

Day 5: Hong Kong’s Madame Tussaud’s wax museum

Day 5: Shopping and eating till we drop; up the Peak

Technorati Tags: tiger airways, cathay pacific, hong kong cha chaan teng, sheung wan, sheung wan wet market, sheung wan market, mingle on the wing, hong kong airport transfer bus, hong kong airport transfer, hong kong airport, hong kong popeye’s, izzue, izzue hong kong, god hong kong, G.O.D. hong kong, goods of desire, echoes of the rainbow, echoes of the rainbow trailer, wun ying collection, wun ying hong kong, tough jeans hong kong


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