Save the trees, say NO to junk mails from SingPost - Alvinology

Save the trees, say NO to junk mails from SingPost

Wonderful spamming service provided by SingPost
Wonderful spamming service provided by SingPost

In a Sunday Times article yesterday on junk mail at HDB doorsteps, I was surprised to read that SingPost offers a service to help advertisers to deliver their fliers through a bulk mail system called Admail.

As these fliers are delivered by our friendly postmen who are able to unlock the anti-junk locking devices on our letterboxes, junk mail seep through. This defeats the entire purpose of HDB installing these devices. Singaporeans wonder why because they do not know their postmen have colluded with the spammers and that Admail is an auto opt-in subscription.

I did a check online and found the order form that SingPost is using to profiteer by spamming our mailboxes. Here’s the rates they are charging advertisers:

Cost to spam our mailboxes
Cost to spam our mailboxes

The only way to get out of this is via an opt-out service from SingPost which prevents unaddressed promotional mail from ending up in letterboxes. You can request to be taken off the Admail service by calling SingPost’s hotline on 6845-6210. There’s no other way opt-out.

Dash to Cart

Save the trees, say NO to junk mails from SingPost. Call SingPost now at 6845-6210 to give them a piece of your mind. Spread the words.

Technorati Tags: junk mails, singpost junk mails, junk mails from singpost, singpost admail, unsubscribe admail, unsubscribe singpost admail, junk mail goes to hdb doorsteps, junk mail at hdb doorsteps, singpost bulk mail system, admail, admail opt-out, singpost admail opt-out, admail hotline


  1. I tried calling them. They asked me to do the following instead:

    1. Go to
    2. Go to Contact Us.
    3. Choose ‘Enquiry’, Service Type: ‘Postal Service’, Category: ‘Registered Mail Status’, Article/ Item Number: ‘Opt out of Admail’
    4. Fill up your particulars…

    I am doing it today. Let’s see when will it be effected…

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