How would Mas Selamat Kastari hide himself? - Alvinology

How would Mas Selamat Kastari hide himself?

Maybe he did some changes to his appearance. It has been almost 2 days and there’s still no sight of him.

omy did some mock-ups of how he might have possibly disguised himself:

Mas Selamat Kastari in disguise

There are more than 1000 uniformed personnels out there hunting for this lone, limping man, not to mention the general public who have probably all seen his face all over the local newspaper and television reports.

Isn’t it strange there’s no sighting of him to date?

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Technorati Tags: mat selamat kastari, mat selamat, internal security act, ministry of home affairs, 999, gurkhas, internal security department, singapore, terrorist, whitley road, JI, jemaah islamiyah, us embassy, american club, changi airport, singapore terrorism


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