Edison Chen Kwoon-Hei is a Hong Kong celebrity, famous both for acting and singing. He is also the founder of CLOT Inc., and the CEO of Clot Media Division Limited.
Edison has been in the news a lot lately – all over China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore entertainment news. This is due to a series of leaked Hong Kong female celebrities nude pictures, said to be retrieved from Edison’s hard disk when he sent it for repair. I will blog more about the photos tomorrow. Let’s focus on Edison for now. 🙂
You can read more about him on Wikipedia.
I best remember him for his role in Infernal Affairs 1 and 2, playing the role of young Andy Lau. He’s very good-looking by the way – nothing like the photo you see above. The photo was taken from an apology video he recently released in response to the sex scandal. Given the widespread public backlash from the incident against Edison, I think he was trying very best to look as pitiful as possible to gain sympathy.
Here’s the video in full:
Said Edison in the video:
“I’ve decided to break my silence today and make this statement to the media and to all people involved in this strange ordeal. Recent documents being posted online have been intentionally hurtful and malicious not only to the victims but to our whole community.
“I have already handed matters over to the police and have been assisting them with this case from the first day onwards. Due to ongoing investigations, I am unable to comment any further upon this case.
“The lives of many innocent people have been affected by this malicious and criminal conduct, and in this regard I am filled with pain, hurt and frustration.
“I hereby use this opportunity to apologize to anyone who has been affected by this strange, strange ordeal.
“I now call upon everyone to help and assist the victims of this case. If you have ever downloaded any of these images, please do not forward them to anyone. Please do not send them to anyone. If you are still in possession of these images, I urge you to please destroy them immediately. Let’s help the wounded heal their wounds. I urge you to help the victims and not make anything worse.”
I detect the work of spin doctors here.
Edison did not deny the authencity of the obscene photos – to me, that’s an admission of guilt. The photos are real, and Edison probably was the one who took them. Instead, he chose to harp on the “malicious” crime committed by those responsible for circulating the photos.
Very clever indeed.
It’s the best way to win an argument in a gone-case scenario – you don’t have to prove you are right, you just have to prove OTHERS are WRONG (I learn this from the movie, Thank you for Smoking from the tobacco lobbyists).
Precisely what Edison is trying to do here. Don’t be tricked.
Latest Updates from omy.sg on Edison Chen‘s sex photos scandal:
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“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”案警方追捕20嫌犯 锁定陈冠希身边的人为目标
“淫照”风暴 – 警放搜获千张艺人淫照 拘捕4男2女元凶随时落网
“淫照”风暴 – 淫照风暴 香港网民大反扑 吁捉“源头”陈冠希
“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”风波后首度打破沉默 陈冠希认错并呼吁网民销毁照片
“淫照”风暴 – 23岁“源头”落网 警方宣布侦破“淫照”案
“淫照”风暴 – 警方拒绝证实“淫照”真伪 要陈冠希返港助查
“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希06年11月亲自送电脑到涉案的电脑公司修理
“淫照”风暴 – 500网民游行谴责警方执法不公,高呼捉拿陈冠希
“淫照”风暴 – 淫照风暴第一女主角阿娇 今午亮相挽演艺事业
“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希会出席赈灾表演,以善心一洗”淫照”印象?
“淫照”风暴 – 谢霆锋疑戴绿帽怒扔婚戒 锋芝传签分居协议书
Technorati Tags: edison chen, gillian chung, 钟欣桐, 阿娇, Cecilia Cheung, 张伯芝, 移花接木, Xiaxue, edison chen sex photos, sex scandal, bobo chan, 陈冠希, nicholas tse, 谢霆锋, hk celebrities, hong kong sex photos, cecilia cheung sex photos, ah jiao sex photoCLOT, stephy tang, hong kong police, edison chen powerbook, eLite multimedia, hong kong discuss forum, uwants, hkgolden, emperor entertainment group, eeg, 英皇娛樂集團, twins, joey yung, 容祖兒, jolin tsai, rosanne, maggie q, 陈文媛, rachel ngan, 颜颖思, 陈育嬬, manday chen, cheng yu-ju, 陈思慧, candice chan, chan si-wai, vincy yeung, 杨永晴, vincent wong fook-chuen, tang king shing, leung kwok hung, albert yeung, edc, apple daily, chen guan xi, koon hei chen, chan koon hei
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