wendy cheng

Many Stories, One Singapore: 48 Singapore Blogs I ReadMany Stories, One Singapore: 48 Singapore Blogs I Read

Many Stories, One Singapore: 48 Singapore Blogs I Read

Happy birthday Singapore! The theme for this year's National Day Parade is "Many Stories, One Singapore". To join in the…

12 years ago
Kinkyexorcist and Gwen have a lot to learn from XiaxueKinkyexorcist and Gwen have a lot to learn from Xiaxue

Kinkyexorcist and Gwen have a lot to learn from Xiaxue

I blogged about this interesting lady who posted videos of herself dancing sexily and provocatively on youtube in early June…

16 years ago
Dawn Yang and her copyrightsDawn Yang and her copyrights

Dawn Yang and her copyrights

This is my third entry on Dawn Yang and her plagarised entries already. For those who do not know what…

17 years ago
Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries?Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries?

Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries?

As reported on omy, EDMW, XXvsDY, Dawnwayang and theliesofdawnyang, there are many dirts surfacing in the local Internet community on…

17 years ago
Dawn Yang vs Xiaxue: The Catfight gets UGLYDawn Yang vs Xiaxue: The Catfight gets UGLY

Dawn Yang vs Xiaxue: The Catfight gets UGLY

I mentioned in my previous post that Xiaxue wrote an entry two days ago, ranting off against Dawn Yang. Well,…

17 years ago
Steven Lim ‘s “SORRY”Steven Lim ‘s “SORRY”

Steven Lim ‘s “SORRY”

He came out to show support to omy's Editor, Cai Shen Jiang and also to say "sorry" to Xiaxue. Not…

17 years ago