sunshine empire

Sunshine Empire Founder, James Phang in ConcertSunshine Empire Founder, James Phang in Concert

Sunshine Empire Founder, James Phang in Concert

The evil Sunshine Empire scamming trio are going to jail. Justice is finally served. As a tribute to the founder…

15 years ago
Alvinology Award 2009Alvinology Award 2009

Alvinology Award 2009

Happy new year everyone! Following past years tradition in 2007 and 2008 where I round-up the year with an “Alvinology…

15 years ago
Quoteworthy: MLMQuoteworthy: MLM

Quoteworthy: MLM

"Did you know, the three characters “mlm” look like flipping the middle finger. Don’t get flipped the finger by mlm,…

15 years ago

Sunshine Empire brainwash session caught on video: 无限英雄分享会

Enjoy. :) More comical Sunshine Empire videos available HERE and HERE. I am left speechless after viewing all the videos…

15 years ago

History of Sunshine Empire & James Phang Wah

[youtube url=""] You can watch more  comical Sunshine Empire videos in my previous blog post titled "Why you should not join…

15 years ago
Why you should not join dodgy MLM companiesWhy you should not join dodgy MLM companies

Why you should not join dodgy MLM companies

Well, other than having to profiteer from your friends, relatives and loved ones; getting yourself brainwashed; hero-worshipping your up-lines like…

16 years ago
Make your own Motivational PostersMake your own Motivational Posters

Make your own Motivational Posters

Saw this via EDMW. :) Click here to make your own motivational posters. Now, your choices won't be just limited…

17 years ago