durian hotel buffet

Pezzo launches Singapore’s first durian charcoal pizzaPezzo launches Singapore’s first durian charcoal pizza

Pezzo launches Singapore’s first durian charcoal pizza

Mention durian and almost everyone gets excited. The king of fruit which tastes like heaven but smells like hell, is…

8 years ago
All-you-can-eat durian buffet with barbecued meat and fresh seafood at Mandarin OrientalAll-you-can-eat durian buffet with barbecued meat and fresh seafood at Mandarin Oriental

All-you-can-eat durian buffet with barbecued meat and fresh seafood at Mandarin Oriental

Fancy an all-you-can-eat durian buffet? Head to Melt Cafe at Mandarin Oriental from 13 to 30 July for an all-you-can-eat durian…

8 years ago