
Who is David Hartonto Widjaja (Ming Ming)?Who is David Hartonto Widjaja (Ming Ming)?

Who is David Hartonto Widjaja (Ming Ming)?

David Hartonto Widjaja, a Chinese Indonesian, was an ordinary final year undergraduate studying in Nanyang Technological Unversity (NTU) at the…

16 years ago
Blogger who exposed his dad and brother’s dirty businesses online: 大义灭亲 or 大逆不道?Blogger who exposed his dad and brother’s dirty businesses online: 大义灭亲 or 大逆不道?

Blogger who exposed his dad and brother’s dirty businesses online: 大义灭亲 or 大逆不道?

This 17-year-old blogger called Yongwei wrote on his blog, claiming he had reported his father and elder brother to the…

16 years ago