alvin and the chipmunks

Interviewed by kids from Creative OInterviewed by kids from Creative O

Interviewed by kids from Creative O

Last week, group of children from local preschool, Creative O came to visit us at our workplace, Singapore Press Holdings…

17 years ago
Photoshopped ChipmunksPhotoshopped Chipmunks

Photoshopped Chipmunks

I created a template to dress up Alvin the Chipmunk in sweaters of different motifs. Here are some samples below.…

17 years ago
SAF ChipmunkSAF Chipmunk

SAF Chipmunk

Photoshopped this for fun. :) Nice or not? Took me about 15 minutes to do this. The edges are a…

17 years ago
Basil AlcoveBasil Alcove

Basil Alcove

We first learnt of Basil Alcove from an article in the Sunday Times. Foong Woei Wan said it serves "fine…

17 years ago
How can anyone not like the Chipmunks?How can anyone not like the Chipmunks?

How can anyone not like the Chipmunks?

I went to catch the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie today at 2.20am, Cathay Cineleisure. That's how much of a…

17 years ago
Where’s Simon and Theodore?Where’s Simon and Theodore?

Where’s Simon and Theodore?

Couldn't resist photoshopping this Alvin the Chipmunk wallpaper... I am so going to watch this movie! :) Tu... Tu... TuTuTuTu!!!!…

17 years ago
Alvin and the Chipmunks!Alvin and the Chipmunks!

Alvin and the Chipmunks!

The movie is coming soon? How come I didn't hear anything about it? And to think that I am a…

17 years ago