Who is xxx?

Who is Goh Chye Boon?

Goh Chye Boon with his favourite plant (Picture taken from SMA) Goh Chye Boon is a senior civil servant in…

17 years ago

Who is Felicia Teo Wei Ling?

Picture taken from FindFelicia She has been missing for over TWO WEEKS to date. Her family and loved ones are…

17 years ago

Who is Kow Keng Siong?

Picture taken from lsc.gov.sg This is the man. He received a Public Administration (Bronze) Medal before, at the National Day…

17 years ago

Who is Li Hongyi?

His name is buzzing over the local web community lately 'cos of an incident in SAF. Anyway, out of curiosity,…

17 years ago

Who are the Simple Folks?

See the banner on my right-hand-sidebar titled 'The Simple Folks'? Who are these people you may ask. Well, here they…

17 years ago