Truck accidents are a serious issue and one that isn’t taken lightly by law enforcement. The fact is, these accidents cause huge injury and death tolls for both the trucking companies themselves, as well as the public. As such, it’s important to understand the possible causes of these accidents in order to avoid them for yourself and others on our roads. You should learn more about the common causes of truck accidents to avoid getting into an accident.
This blog post will provide you with an insight into some of the most common causes of truck accident fatalities.
1. Driver fatigue
When you’re driving long hours, the passage of time means little to no sleep or rest. It’s easy to forget that your ability to drive is greatly diminished without adequate sleep. Driving while fatigued is one of the top causes of truck accidents because it causes drivers to either drive more slowly or fall asleep at the wheel. Fatigue also leads to slower reaction times and poor decision-making.
2. Improper loading
Poor-quality loads can lead to a truck accident by causing damage to the vehicle or injuring the driver or passengers. Take care to ensure that the load is free of any potentially dangerous materials, such as sharp objects. Look for any damage or defects on the load and make sure it is mounted correctly.
3. Improper lane changes
Truck drivers must make changes to their lane boundaries. If you are following a vehicle that is moving slower than you or changing lanes, maintain a safe distance behind them so as not to cause an accident.
4. Distracted driving
It’s easy to become distracted while driving, but the consequences can be deadly. Distracted drivers are more prone to accidents and fatalities. Make sure that you focus on the road at all times and stay in contact with other drivers.
5. Excessive speed
Driving at high rates of speed is dangerous in and of itself, but it’s even more so when you’re already fatigued or distracted. As well as causing unnecessary damage to property or injuring others, excessive speeds increase the risk of injury and fatalities.
6. Driving under influence
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious issue that you should avoid at all costs. This is particularly true for truckers as they are required to stop for traffic and perform regular checks of their truck as well as ensure that their load is safe to carry.