Motorcycle Accident Statistics Singapore - Alvinology

Motorcycle Accident Statistics Singapore

A motorcycle is the greatest vehicle to use when circumventing traffic, and it’s far easier to find a parking spot. You’ll also save more money in the long run with its excellent gas mileage. Plus, it has other benefits like improving your core strength and certain muscles in your body.

However, it is not a secret that motorbikes are dangerous, especially if you are careless on the road. In Singapore alone, motorcyclists and their riders account for about 50% of total road fatalities in the latest research.

Motorcycle Statistics in Singapore

In 2019, there are a total of 14,133 total roadside incidents recorded by the Singapore Police Force. 4.860 of which involves a motorcycle. This is a slight increase from 2018’s data showing 4,748 total motorcycle accidents.

Furthermore, 50% of the accidents that resulted in a casualty also involve motorcycles. There are a total of 9,951 recorded road accident casualties, including fatalities and injuries. 5.074 of which are motorcyclists and pillion riders. 64 of which resulted in a fatality.

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Accidents caused by motorcyclists who drink and drive also increased to 59 cases in 2018. This is opposed to a lower 39 cases recorded in 2017, which is an increase of 51.3%.

By Age Group

Data also shows that people between the ages 25 to 29 have suffered most in the accidents. In 2019 data, they account for a total of 1,037 of the injuries and fatalities recorded, resulting in deaths. This is an increase in 2018, where there are only a total of 954 recorded casualties in motorcyclists and pillion riders from ages 25 to 29.

Here is the complete data based on the Singapore Police Force, showing total motorcycle casualties cases and fatalities.

· 18-19: 119 cases, 4 deaths

· 20-24: 872 cases, 43 deaths

· 25-29: 1,037 cases, 78 deaths

· 30-34: 717 cases, 108 deaths

· 35-39: 441 cases, 136 deaths

· 40-44: 298 cases, 143 deaths

· 45-49: 285 cases, 143 deaths

· 50-54: 211 cases, 146 deaths

· 55-59: 282 cases, 157 deaths

· 60 and above: 373 cases, 296 deaths

The data above illustrates that while people ages 25-29 are more likely to encounter a motorcycle accident, people aged 60 and above are more at risk of death when involved in an accident.

How to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents?

It’s no secret that motorcycles are more dangerous than other vehicles. But at the same time, they offer flexibility in a lot of areas. When deciding to buy a motorcycle as your means of transportation, you should equip yourself with proper knowledge and gear to protect yourself and the people riding with you.

The leading cause of accidents is the driver’s or rider’s carelessness and failure to keep a proper lookout, causing a total of 1,989 cases. This is followed by failing to keep a proper control, with a total of 724 cases. Other less common reasons for accidents attributed to drivers are:

· Failing to give way to traffic with right of way

· Disobeying traffic light signals

· Turning, overtaking, changing lanes without due care

· Driving under the influence of alcohol

· Following too close to the vehicle in front

· Failing to give way to pedestrians

This goes to show that driving with care and following traffic laws will ensure a safe journey, even when using motorcycles. You and the person riding with you should also wear proper gear to reduce the severity of injuries if accidents occur due to other driver’s negligence.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics Singapore - Alvinology

Motorcycle Insurance in Singapore

While the statistics are definitely alarming, motorcycles are still one of the best vehicles to own in Singapore. As long as you are a responsible and alert driver, you can greatly decrease your risk of running into an accident.

However, it is still safer and better to get motorcycle insurance to help you in case of an accident. Motorcycle accidents do not usually lead to fatality in Singapore. As mentioned above, only 64 resulted in a fatality from 5.074 reported motorcycle-related casualties.

While it is good news, it means you must prepare for when you get into an accident. Finding a good motorbike insurance in Singapore which is an expert will benefit you and provide coverage in case of liabilities or medical payments. The worst thing after experiencing a traumatic event is to pay for the damages on your own afterward. With insurance, you have fewer things to worry about.

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