Bandana: A Must-have Travel and Fashion Accessory - Alvinology

Bandana: A Must-have Travel and Fashion Accessory

Everyone wants to have a light and versatile piece of clothing in the wardrobe and travel bag. What else can be better than a piece of cloth weighing only 10 grams and can be worn in more than 20 ways. Wearing a bandana can give you a major throwback, but the fact that it has been a fashion accessory in every decade cannot be denied. You can get your high-quality ad comfortable bandanas from as the material is soft enough to give you a silky smooth touch.

Fashion bloggers, actors, and models are wearing them, and there is plenty of inspiration to get one for yourself too. Just pack some bandanas and get yourself ready for a different and versatile look for your tours.

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Different uses of a bandana

It can be used to save your life if you accidentally get yourself injured on a trip. You might feel like this is a bit of exaggeration, but it can be used as a quick first-aid solution to stop blood from the wounds.

You can also use a banana as a sweatband while jogging or hiking because it is quite cheap and can give you a trendy look. It is so lightweight that you will not mind putting it over your head in the river to freshen yourself up.

To the ones who love to play with their hair, it can give you a fresh and colorful look when a hat would be too much to carry. A bandana is also a perfect option to cover your face and nose when motorbiking along the dusty roads.

There are some less ordinary but useful options for this little and handy piece of fabric. You can easily plug up sinks while doing the laundry. Apart from this, it can also be used to tie a splint when you get a wound.  

Next to that, you can also wear it as a headband to tie your hair up when you are having a bad hair day. There are a lot of options to tie it around your hair, and this tutorial can be of great help.

The uses of this tiny piece of cloth are endless. Wear it as a choker or a neckerchief to spice up your outfits. When you are travelling somewhere, just tie a bandana at your luggage back to identify it quickly.

Bandana as a new fashion accessory

You can transform a simple bandana into a beautiful choker by adding some beads into it. It is nowadays tagged as a fashion statement, and there are hundreds of ways to use it. Wear it in your wrist to replace the bracelets, tie it around your neck to give a new look to your old outfit, or secure your hair while enjoying a road trip. Bandana around the hat can refresh the look of your regular hats and can be handy as no one can afford to pack a lot of hats on tour.

Do you want to wear something unique and trendy? Wear a large-sized bandana as a top and forget to invest a lot of money on tops every month. You can also tie it around your waist as a belt to refresh your look, as it can be cumbersome to pack a lot of different pairs of jeans along with you.

If you are planning to visit the beach or go on hiking, then a bandana can also be used as a face mask to protect yourself from the UV rays as some manufacturers offer sun-protecting bandanas as well. 

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