[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay - Alvinology

[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay

For 3 nights only from 29 to 31 December 2017, visitors to Cloud Forest, Gardens By the Bay will get to embark on a journey of self-discovery and realisation, as they prepare to enter the New Year at IgNight @ Cloud Forest (#IgNightSG), an interactive and experiential initiative by BRAND’s that will transform the conservatory into a kaleidoscope of light and excitement.

What to expect 

[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay - Alvinology

A technologically-driven showcase of creativity and innovation, #IgNightSG, with its multi-touch interactivity, motion sensor technology, art installations and augmented reality experiences, promises to be a unique and exciting trek into the mysterious nocturnal world of nature for visitors to begin their New Year in a fun and meaningful way.

[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay - Alvinology

The marriage of digital connectivity and live interactions, packed with exciting social media shareable story telling opportunities and audio-visual experiences begins with the downloading of the IgNight app on Apple iOS app store or Google Android.

[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay - Alvinology

We went through the journey during the opening night and the experience was pretty seamless from start till end, adding a little more interactive fun as you explore the Cloud Forest.

[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay - Alvinology

For a start, we strongly recommend you to download the IgNight app via iOS or Android on your mobile device beforehand. Alternatively, for those without mobile devices to download the app, you can only opt for the paper and pen option. There is a printout counter near the first interactive display, upon entering Cloud Forest. Proceed there to get your paper printouts.

Let the Discovery Begin 

Once the app has been downloaded, power it up and do a short personality quiz consisting of 13 questions to identify your personality type. After that, begin exploring the Cloud Forest, visiting the various interactive stations while solving puzzles with the use of hidden physical clues along the way.

[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay - Alvinology

The personality types are based on 12 famous personalities, namely Marco Polo, Mother Theresa, Mohammad Ali, Ghandi, Steve Jobs, Genghis Khan, Joe Public, Spartacus, Charlie Chaplin, Helen of Troy, Confucius and Walt Disney. I got Ghandi from my survey result.

[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay - Alvinology

Upon completion of all the puzzles, you will be able to release a floating customised BRAND’s bottle into a large interactive display, much like a digital version of the traditional Chinese sky lantern which are floated to make wishes and resolutions on special occasions.

Customising a BRAND's bottle
Customising a BRAND’s bottle
The floating display
The floating display
My BRAND's lantern
My BRAND’s lantern

Finally, on the way out, don’t miss the surprise giant projection videos featuring local celebrities like Tosh Zhang as they share on their own auras and self-discovery tips.

[3 nights only] Embark on a journey of self-discover at Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay - Alvinology

If you are interested to embark on this self-discovery journey, today is the last day – don’t miss it!

IgNightSG at Cloud Forest

Date: December 29 to December 31
Time: 6pm to 10pm
Location: Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay, 18 Marina Gardens Dr, Singapore 018953
Admission charges to Cloud Forest apply. Enjoy 25% discount if you flash BRAND’S Netsflashpay card.

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