Two handsome Singapore boys hog nursing room from breastfeeding mum

Watch and be enraged, especially parents with babies like myself:

These two handsome Singapore boys want fame very much, so please send this picture to everyone you know to make them famous:

We want to be famous – please ID both of us!

If you are able to ID both of them, please leave a comment on this post and I will update accordingly.

Otherwise, I think we should just call them Singapore Breastfeeding Boys since they like to stay in the nursing room so much. Please use the hashtag #SGBreastfeedingBoys when referring to them on Twitter or other social media to make them happy.

It’s tough enough to have a crying baby in toil, not to mention having to deal with boys like these who behave like babies.

The lady who recorded the video was nice enough to talk to them patiently even when one of the brat flicked a middle finger at her. Yet they refused to leave. Goodness…

Update (12 Nov 2012, 8am) – full story via

This happened on 4th november Sunday approximately 2.30pm. My friend sent her elder daughter to the Woodlands Regional Library for a workshop and proceeded to the nursing room located at 4th level, children section to nurse her youngest child.

When she arrived outside the room, she saw the boy (in black shirt)seated comfortably on the sofa playing PSP. She asked if he could please excuse her so she could nurse her baby. The boy frowned at her and said the librarian agreed to let him in.

When my friend again requested for him to leave the room, he retorted by saying ‘I also feeding my baby’ while his eyes were still on his PSP. My friend left, pushing her child in her stroller to the counter to ask for help. The librarian was busy attending to children’s queries and mending books at that time. My friend then returned to the nursing room, thinking the boy could have left and hopefully she can settle her little one.

Upon returning, she saw the nursing room door was closed and both signs on the door was switched to ‘occupied’ (instead of ‘vacant’ as shown earlier) She opened the door gently and was surprised to then see two boys (not one) this time. The second boy looked shocked when he saw my friend. My friend again requested for them to leave the room so she could nurse her baby. They refused and the rest of the story is according to the video.

After the videoing, my friend had no choice but to leave since the boys did not move out. She went back to the librarian and pleaded for her to do something about the matter as she desperately needed to use the room. The librarian went into the nursing room and also politely but firmly asked the boys to leave. The boy in black laughed, threw his hands into the air and said ‘that’s more like it!’ and they left.

When walking out in a threatening manner, the boy in black went close to my friend and said “you better not put me in stomp. My parents are very important people. They are really big people k.”

My friend went into the room and saw Macdonald paper bags, empty paper cups and used tissue papers all over the floor. She had no choice but to nurse her child in that room.

We will definitely be taking action, as we think these two kids should be taking troubled youth treatments immediately. These actions are never ever acceptable.


Alvin is a marketer by day and blogger by night. He is a 100% geek who spends too much time surfing the web.

View Comments

  • I hope this news will spread to their schools and their parents. They are rude and bahaved like uneducated brats and deserved to punished accordingly. BTW, if I were the lady, I would have asked for the security.

  • This is what schools are breeding breeding " spoilt brats" who think "very important" parents can bail them out. I wonder who the parents are. Rude, foul mouth and spoilt . Not all are but enough of these illm mannered thugs roam around freely. They must be shamed. The library should take a firmer stand. When these jokers do their NS they will get what they deserve, I guess their parnets might send their maids to carry their bags, iron their uniforms etc. What losers.
    The university now gives scholarships freely to those who can afford to pay so they behave as if they re entitled to do as they wish.. The adminstartors have once again shot themselves in the foot.
    They make use of tax payers money for goodness sake. If these 2 fools who the public what they do to enjoy themselves and get "famous" put them up at the zoo. They University admistrators should get a kick on their pants too.

  • I think the Librarian did not do his job the first time the lady went to make a complaint. If he had attended to the lady the first time, none of this would have taken place.

  • Boys will be boys, they will act like brats and pricks sometimes. Do they need to be publicly shamed and humiliated for this? Let the parents handle this.

  • @Fred - you're running of the assumption that the parents know and will find sufficient reason to handle it.

  • Your parents are so important ppl that they did not have time to teach your proper manners huh? Really pity you n your parents for being such a low life n raising a low life.... Or is it a case of the apple dun fall far fm the tree?

  • children like them need to be taught a lesson.
    This is actually bullying.
    else they wont stop and will just be worse when they know they can get away with it everytime.

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