Are you on Foursquare?
Foursquare is a location-based social app that lets you “check in” to your favourite places; unlock badges; share tips; and seek out special deals by merchants.
Do you know that Foursquare declared 16 April (4 square = 4 x 4 = 16) as Foursquare Day? will be embracing Foursquare Day by presenting our adaption of Singapore 4Sq Day. Via tie-ups with many social media savvy partners like The Clementi Mall, Wild Wild Wet, Golden Village, Lot One and Sembawang Shopping Centre, will be updating on a growing list of one-day only goodies on 16 April. Visit the official website to learn more.
If you have nothing on tomorrow, do celebrate Singapore 4Sq Day with by visiting one of our partners to claim the goodies offered!
Technorati Tags: world foursquare day, singapore foursqaure day, sg 4sq day, singapore 4sq day, foursquare, foursqaure day, 4sq day, the clementi mall, wild wild wet, golden village, sembawang shopping centre, lot one, social media fiesta