Plane Solemnisation - Photos Galore! - Alvinology

Plane Solemnisation – Photos Galore!

Mr and Mrs Alvin Lim
Mr and Mrs Alvin Lim

Rachel and I are the first couple in Singapore to have our solemnisation ceremony on board an airplane – how cool is that? 🙂

It happened at 5.50am on 2 February, 2010, on board Jetstar’s plane, 3K 823 at Changi Airport, Terminal 1.

Dash to Cart

The two witnesses who signed on the certificate were my mom and Rachel’s mom. The wedding solemniser is Justice of Peace, Mr Lim Huan Chiang.

The ceremony was short, it was over in around ten minutes. The plane took off on time after that with no delay.

All photos courtesy of Eunice Chan, Rachel’s sister.

My colleague, Han Joo, was the first person we saw at the airport
My colleague, Han Joo, was the first person we saw at the airport
Rachel was late... but made it in time for the check-in
Rachel was late… but made it in time for the check-in
Our colleagues, Han Joo and Nicholas who flew with us
Our colleagues, Han Joo and Nicholas who flew with us
My mom helping me pin my corset
My mom helping me pin my flowers
Rachel's mom helping her with her flowers
Rachel’s mom helping her with her flowers
The pin cushion holding our engagement rings
The pin cushion holding our engagement rings
Group photo with Rachel's family
Group photo with Rachel’s family
My aunt, Shirley, sending us off
My aunt, Shirley, sending us off
The entourage
The entourage
Heading to the air plane
Heading to the air plane
On the travelator
On the travelator
On the phone with a Zaobao reporter
On the phone with a Zaobao reporter
Our solemniser and the Jetstar PR manager, ironing out the technical details
Our solemniser and the Jetstar PR manager, ironing out the technical details
Rachel tying the rings to the cushion
Rachel tying the rings to the cushion
Final briefing
Final briefing
Quick rehearsal
Quick rehearsal
We were to speak into the broadcast phone during the ceremony
We were to speak into the broadcast phone during the ceremony
Tired and a little stressed
Tired and a little stressed interview interview
RazorTV interview
RazorTV interview
Behind the camera
Behind the camera
Parting shot with Rachel's family (her dad is not flying with us)
Parting shot with Rachel’s family (her dad is not flying with us)
Rachel getting interviewed by her ex-colleague, Jin Xiang
Rachel getting interviewed by her ex-colleague, Jin Xiang
CNA and Channel 8 interview
CNA and Channel 8 interview
My turn to be on camera
My turn to be on camera
Chatting with Ms Chong Phit Lian, CEO of Jetstar Asia
Chatting with Ms Chong Phit Lian, CEO of Jetstar Asia
Short moment of quietness
Short moment of quietness
Walking to the plane
Walking to the plane
Calm and slow
Calm and slow
Waiting for the ceremony to begin
Waiting for the ceremony to begin
Anxiously waiting
Anxiously waiting – all the passengers are to board first
All ready with our pen, rings and cushion
All ready with our pen, rings and cushion
It's time to head into the plane :)
It’s time to head into the plane 🙂
In the plane
In the plane
With our solemniser, Mr Lim
With our solemniser, Mr Lim
Saying "I DO"
Saying “I DO”
Mr Lim on the vows
Mr Lim on the vows
Laying out all the items needed
Laying out all the items needed
Getting the ring out
Getting the ring out
Helping Rachel to put on her ring
Helping Rachel to put on her ring
Rachel helping me to put on my ring
Rachel helping me to put on my ring
Mr Lim announcing we are now binded by our rings
Mr Lim announcing we are now binded by our rings
Saying our vows together
Saying our vows together
Time to sign the marriage certificate - I am first
Time to sign the marriage certificate – I am first
Rachel's next to sign
Rachel’s next to sign
My mom signing on the certificate
My mom signing on the certificate
Our solemniser signing the certificate
Our solemniser signing the certificate
Husband and wife
Husband and wife
Another shot - facing the camera
Another shot – facing the camera
Rachel and I are legally binded as a couple now
Rachel and I are legally binded as a couple now
Presented with our complete marriage certificate
Presented with our complete marriage certificate
Time to sleep as the plane takes off
Time to sleep as the plane takes off
Up into the sky
Up into the sky
Greeted with door gifts at Shantou airport
Greeted with door gifts at Shantou airport
Lion dance welcome at Meritus Shantou
Lion dance welcome at Meritus Shantou
A nice bouquet of flowers for Rachel from my boss, Mr Chua Chim Kang
A nice bouquet of flowers for Rachel from my boss, Mr Chua Chim Kang
Our rooms at Meritus Shantou (separate as we still have our traditional wedding in June)
Our rooms (separate as we still have our traditional wedding in June)
The classy bathroom
The classy bathroom

Rachel and I were overwhelmed by the media interviews and well-wishes from the other passengers, friends and family members, on board the plane.

As mentioned in my previous post, it was not easy making this happen due to all the logistics, scheduling and technical details involved.

Rachel and I would like to thank all the following people for making this possible – our family members, especially our moms for being our witnesses, my mom again for making Rachel’s beautiful cheong sam which she wore on the day, Rachel’s sister, Eunice for the wonderful photos, my uncle for rushing down the airport with the rings at 5am in the morning, my sister, Xinyi who searched for the ring at 4.40am in the morning; the Jetstar team, especially Ms Chong Phit Lian, for giving the go ahead, Chiat Ying, Simone and Peter for their assistance through the ceremony; our wedding solemniser, Mr Lim Huan Chiang; my omy colleagues, Han Joo and Ming Cai for waking up so early in the morning to cover the event, my bosses, Mr Chua Chim Kang and Ms Lee Kuan Fung for their support; all our media friends present on the day or who covered the ceremony, Nicholas, Jin Xiang, the RazorTV team; the entire Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan contingent who were on the plane with us, including the Chairman, Mr  Goh Nam Siang and Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC, Madam Cynthia Phua; the Meritus team, Elaine and Chitty, as well as Rita from Wotif Group for the hotel arrangement; all our other wonderful friends, family members, strangers at the airport, readers of this blog, everyone else who sent your well-wishes to us in one way or another.

A big THANK YOU from both of Rachel and I. 🙂

Jetstar Asia

Plane Solemnisation - Photos Galore! - Alvinology

Plane Solemnisation - Photos Galore! - Alvinology Plane Solemnisation - Photos Galore! - Alvinology

Technorati Tags: singapore plane solemnisation, plane solemnisation, jetstar plane solemnisation, jetstar singapore to shantou, meritus shantou,, teochew poit ip huay kuan, singapore teochew association, shantou, shantou travel, plane rom, airplane rom, ellie and carl, up movie, ellie and carl up, jetstar inaugural direct flight from Singapore to Shantou, 新加坡潮州八邑会馆, singapore unconventional wedding, plane wedding, airplane wedding, getting married on a plane, plane marriage


  1. And that was so Sweet and lovely from both of you! I’ve been a silent reader of your blog. And I must say, goodness, you both showed a rare and classically unique prowess kind of love. Best wishes for both of you. Keep spreading love. God bless you both.

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