I am done with the illustration and design for our wedding invite card. We have just sent it for printing and will be getting them next week. The theme follows that of the UP design which we did for our e-invite.
This is the front view:

Back view:

The full view when you spread out the cover:

Long time never draw already. Hence took quite a while to complete this. I know I am not so slim any more, but that’s the beauty of illustration vs photography.
Technorati Tags: alvin and rachel, carl and ellie, up wedding, up themed wedding, carl and ellie real life, carl and ellie wedding, balloon wedding, singapore wedding, wedding e-invite, up wedding invite, pixar up, alvinology, alvin and rachel wedding, wedding card illustration
Don’t suppose you would mind sharing where you had your invite cards printed? We’re (attempting) to design our own invite, but a little lost on where to have it sent for printing.
Appreciate it lots!