Edison Chen (陈冠希) in Singapore - Alvinology

Edison Chen (陈冠希) in Singapore

Photo from omy.sg
Photo from omy.sg

Amidst the global recession making all the news headlines since the start of 2009, the past week saw a furor of news reports on shamed Hong Kong star, Edison Chen (陈冠希)‘s visit to Singapore, vying for prime news spaces.

Edison, notorious for his sex photos scandal was in town last Friday to attend a Carl’s Jr event. On top of that, he also graced another two events, organised by Adidas and Bang & Olufsen.

At Bang & Olufsen; people everywhere
At Bang & Olufsen; people everywhere
Lots of media hounding Edison Chen
Lots of media hounding Edison Chen
Edison Chen is the one in tie - do you see him?
Edison Chen is the one in tie - do you see him?
At the Adidas Original Party
At the Adidas Original Party
Free popcorns
Free popcorns
Free Ben & Jerrys ice cream
Free Ben & Jerry's ice cream
Rachel bumped into our friends, Shaun and Caroline
Rachel bumped into our friends, Shaun and Caroline
Adidas sneakers stuck to the ceiling
Adidas sneakers stuck to the ceiling
Allan Wu and Wong Lilin
Allan Wu and Wong Lilin
Normal party-goers
Normal party-goers
people crowding in everywhere Edison Chen goes to
people crowding in everywhere Edison Chen goes to
Edison Chens security guards
Edison Chen's security guards

Rachel attended all of them, covering the story for my paper. She managed to take some photos at the events, but did not manage to get a picture of Edison as it was too chaotic, with hounds of journalists and members of public, chasing Edison, everywhere he goes.

You can read the various coverages via these news reports on omy.sg:

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陈冠希超级女粉丝:只想当女友 不想拍淫照
陈冠希访狮城2场活动 本地艺人齐亮相
记者“小米”车 贴身紧追陈冠希
陈冠希访狮城 公开亮相场面大混乱
陈冠希狮城亮相 男人臭骂女人力挺

The Edison Chen sex photos scandal took place two years ago, yet it refuses to take a backseat from the media limelight. Scary sia… the Chinese entertainment scene really treat sex scandals like this very seriously. I was quite stunned when I saw live news feed on Edison Chen’s whereabouts on the various Taiwanese tabloid news channel available on SCV. They actually deployed news crew to follow him all the way from Vancouver to Singapore! Gosh!

Technorati Tags: edison chen, omy, omy.sg, 陈冠希, edison chen sex photo scandal, adidas singapore, bang & Olufsen singapore, carl’s junior singapore, carl’s jr singapore, edison chen in singapore, edison chen and carl’s jr, edison chen ad carl’s junior, edison chen singapore endorsements, carl’s jr boycott, carl’s junior boycottedison in singapore, adidas original party, edison chen in singapore, edison chen at adidas, edison chen at carl’s junior, edison chen at bang & olufsen


  1. I really feel sorry for whoever has been raided by the paparazzi’s. I would hate it and maybe even kill them because they’re so annoying. Shesh, get a life with a better career that won’t involve you invading someones privacy. Besides, this world should ONLY have good news.

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