Sheep Dash! is a simple educational game available on BBC Science & Nature website for you to test your reaction time.
I tried the game thrice, and each time, the best score I can garner myself is as a “Bobbing Bobcat”. I have never been known to be a nimble person, hence I am pretty satisfied with the scoring.
However, if any of you can achieve the “Turbo-charged cheetah” or “Rocketing rabbit”, do drop a comment below and let me know it’s humanly possible to achieve the score yeah?
Technorati Tags: reaction time test, sheep dash, education game, bbc science and nature, running sheep, bobbing bobcat, sluggish snail, ambling armadillo, rocketing rabbit, turbo-charged cheetah
Yay Rocketing Rabbit!
Average was 0.1784
I got a rocketing rabbit
hi im lauren im 14 and im doing a student research task on human reactions
using children in my school i get 2 kids a boy and a girl from yr kinda 2 4 6 and 8 and i gave them a number of tasks including this sheep dash and a yr 4 student and i got rocketing rabbit so it is possible but maybe for youngings lol ok well cya
Rocketing Rabbit about.. 5 times. =]
I got rocketing rabbit tons of times
Rocketing Rabs a few times.. a few 0.00s
wish I could send you the screen grab -but I got TURBO CHARGED CHEETAH – two things in my favour at my ripe age of 58 – 1) the graphics loading software was just a wee bit slow – because 2) I actually LISTEN to the specific ‘swish swish’ sound that happens just a nano before the sheep moves. Try it yourself – put on headphones and listen and watch.
Perth Western Australia
I got bobbing bobcat the first go around but every single one of my times was 0.219. Wild. Atleast i’m consistent.
i got turbo cheta buzzin lol haha x
my sis got sluggish snail and she is 12 haha x
I tried your test 10 times. Best score was 0.190 (Rocketing rabbit)
I am 33 years old. the test was werry funny.
I got a rocketing rabbit and my time was .1693. I am JUAN DOTY the greatest farter ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 0.1546! but i cant do it with my laptop though. here are some tips:
-stare at one of the stripes, and set your target as not letting the sheep getting past that stripe
-avoid sheeps passing down at the bottom of the screen, the bushes cover them which is kinda unfair (just refresh if u see one)
-very important: use a mouse, my original score was around 0.3 must I got half of that after using a mouse
-use a larger screen (im using a 12×9″ right now which is pretty good) and keep 1 1/2 ft distance between screen and eyes.
-focus more on dark green parts, the bright white color of the sheeps contrasts against the darker background more than the lighter stripes, the more contrast there is, the better your startle reaction (which is a tad faster then your normal one)
-for the long term, occasionally do sudden twitches with your arm or fingers, it can help mprove your startle reflexes (don’t accidentally punch someone though
-and finally, warm up your fingers and keep them warm while doing the reaction test
thats it, thanks for reading the whole thing
0.095 average, turbo-charged cheetah. got it on my third try