Vietjet vietnam to japan

You can soon fly directly to Hiroshima, Japan from Hanoi, Vietnam via VietjetYou can soon fly directly to Hiroshima, Japan from Hanoi, Vietnam via Vietjet

You can soon fly directly to Hiroshima, Japan from Hanoi, Vietnam via Vietjet

Vietjet announces a new route connecting Hiroshima with Hanoi. It is the first-ever direct service linking Vietnam with Japan's Hiroshima…

2 years ago
Enjoy FREE checked baggage for all Vietjet flights between Vietnam and JapanEnjoy FREE checked baggage for all Vietjet flights between Vietnam and Japan

Enjoy FREE checked baggage for all Vietjet flights between Vietnam and Japan

Vietjet is offering a complimentary checked baggage weighing up to 30kg to all passengers flying between Vietnam and Japan. From…

2 years ago