steven dragon lim

Steven Lim哥哥 is Seriously Into Singing This Time

Singapore's favourite online comedian, "Steven Lim哥哥", has decided to get his acts together and record two songs seriously with properly…

14 years ago

Steven Lim is not a loser okay!

Via I know a lot of people snigger at Steven Dragon Lim behind his back for his weird antics…

15 years ago

Are you sick of Ris Low yet?

I am quite sick of seeing her grabbing media headlines actually. However, if you are not sick of her yet,…

15 years ago

Steven Lim’s video tribute to Michael Jackson

Titled "Michael Jackson, Dun Die! Your Singapore No. 1 Fan, here, Steven Lim, loves you so much!!!!", our favourite Singapore…

16 years ago

Steven Lim $5000 cash giveaway!

Not sure how real it is, but our dear friend, Steven Lim claims he will give away $5000 cash to…

16 years ago

kinkyexorcist: Female version of Steven Lim?

(picture via kinkyexorcist's blog) Her name is Azhen (阿珍) and she lives in Sengkang. Her email is - you…

17 years ago

Steven Lim the Political Analyst

Not satisfied with being a eyebrow plucker/ stripper/ fitness instructor/ matchmaker, Steven Dragon Lim now wants to try out a…

17 years ago

Steven Lim the Matchmaker

Our favourite eyebrow plucker/ striptease dancer, Steven Dragon Lim has now decided to branch out into matchmaking as well. This…

17 years ago

Stop Bully Steven Lim!!! Steven Lim was framed!!!

Remember my two previous posts (Steven Lim: 真相!陈冠希被人陷害!Edison Chen was framed!, Steven Lim: STOP BULLYING EDISON CHEN! 不要欺负陈冠希了!) on disgusting…

17 years ago

Steven Lim: 真相!陈冠希被人陷害!Edison Chen was framed!

[youtube url=""] Our national pride, Steven Dragon Lim has released another video in relation to the Edison Chen sex photos scandal.…

17 years ago