singapore ah lian

Aaron Tan vs Steven Lim: Who is telling the truth?Aaron Tan vs Steven Lim: Who is telling the truth?

Aaron Tan vs Steven Lim: Who is telling the truth?

The three news report below via and Lianhe Wanbao made the Aaron Tan vs Steven Lim plot thicker than…

13 years ago
Aaron Tan Ask Everyone To Stop Bullying Him, Especially Steven LimAaron Tan Ask Everyone To Stop Bullying Him, Especially Steven Lim

Aaron Tan Ask Everyone To Stop Bullying Him, Especially Steven Lim

It is likely there won't be a fight between the two comedians, Steven Lim (yellow undies sushi man) and Aaron Tan (Priest…

13 years ago
Steven Lim Is Jioing Aaron Tan To A Fight!Steven Lim Is Jioing Aaron Tan To A Fight!

Steven Lim Is Jioing Aaron Tan To A Fight!

Steven Lim is not one to be messed with. Definitely not an "Ah Gua" like Aaron Tan has called him.…

13 years ago
Aaron Tan vs Steven LimAaron Tan vs Steven Lim

Aaron Tan vs Steven Lim

Xiaxue vs Silver; Silver vs Qiuting; and whatever female online bitch fights are so passé. The talk of the town…

13 years ago
The real story of how Adelyn Hosehbo stole $10,000 worth of jewellery from her mum and got robbed by her “friends”?The real story of how Adelyn Hosehbo stole $10,000 worth of jewellery from her mum and got robbed by her “friends”?

The real story of how Adelyn Hosehbo stole $10,000 worth of jewellery from her mum and got robbed by her “friends”?

This bizarre crime story surfaced in the newspapers recently: 女生偷母7000金饰 反遭2友洗劫 ( Wanbao, 21 Dec 2011) 小偷遇小劫匪!14岁美少女偷母亲金饰,典当换得7000元,凌晨却被2好友洗劫一空! 家住北部组屋的美少女,自小较为顽皮,小六误交损友,又染上逃课恶习,上中学后变本加厉,竟然偷偷将母亲的金饰拿去当铺,典当得到约7000元。 她非但没有遮遮掩掩,还向一众好友炫耀,结果2天后(8月20日)凌晨2时30分,在住家楼下被好友洗劫一空。 抢钱的2个男孩,一个17岁,另一个只有15岁,都是中学生。 美少女马上报警求助,她的母亲过后接到警方电话才得知此事。…

13 years ago
Priest Aaron Tan’s 牛奶都喝不够 Techno RemixPriest Aaron Tan’s 牛奶都喝不够 Techno Remix

Priest Aaron Tan’s 牛奶都喝不够 Techno Remix

It's finally here! The long awaited TECHNO REMIX of Aaron Tan's Facebook video rant! By my talented buddy, Yong Wei:…

13 years ago
Adelyn Hosehbo and Nina WantyouonlyAdelyn Hosehbo and Nina Wantyouonly

Adelyn Hosehbo and Nina Wantyouonly

The infamous Adelyn Hosehbo and the recently famous Nina Wantyouonly (thanks to her talented video-star/gangster ex-boyfriend, Aaron Tan)... are FRIENDS?…

13 years ago
Download Your Favourite Aaron Tan Troll/Gangster Poster Here!Download Your Favourite Aaron Tan Troll/Gangster Poster Here!

Download Your Favourite Aaron Tan Troll/Gangster Poster Here!

Sorry Aaron Tan, I really cannot resist doing this. Someone have to help you realise your comedic and troll potential…

13 years ago
Who is Aaron Tan Nina Wantyouonly?Who is Aaron Tan Nina Wantyouonly?

Who is Aaron Tan Nina Wantyouonly?

Via EDMW. The Aaron Tan Nina Wantyouonly saga is started by Aaron Tan, an 18-year-old boy gangster who will be going…

13 years ago
I am Adelyn Hosehbo and I am a Gen Z Ah LianI am Adelyn Hosehbo and I am a Gen Z Ah Lian

I am Adelyn Hosehbo and I am a Gen Z Ah Lian

This 14 year-old brat who goes by the web moniker, "Adelyn Hosehbo" is trending on Google Search, Facebook and Twitter…

13 years ago