River Wonders singapore

Giant Panda cub ‘Le Le’ showcases new repertoire of skills on his first birthdayGiant Panda cub ‘Le Le’ showcases new repertoire of skills on his first birthday

Giant Panda cub ‘Le Le’ showcases new repertoire of skills on his first birthday

Le Le turns one on 14 August and is stepping into his first year with a taste for solid food…

3 years ago
Le Le, Singapore’s first Giant Panda Cub is turning One this August and readies to play with panda-themed activities!Le Le, Singapore’s first Giant Panda Cub is turning One this August and readies to play with panda-themed activities!

Le Le, Singapore’s first Giant Panda Cub is turning One this August and readies to play with panda-themed activities!

Le Le, the first Giant Panda cub to be born in Singapore, is turning one this August and River Wonders…

3 years ago