nintendo wii

Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention 2009Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention 2009

Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention 2009

I went for two days of the convention last year when it was held in Singapore for the first time…

16 years ago
Heritage StarbloggersHeritage Starbloggers

Heritage Starbloggers

Organised by the friendly folks from the National Hertiage Board, via Yesterday.SG. :) If you are a blogger who likes…

17 years ago
Day 2 of Singapore Toy & Comic Convention 2008Day 2 of Singapore Toy & Comic Convention 2008

Day 2 of Singapore Toy & Comic Convention 2008

I went back to the Singapore Toys & Comic Convention again on Sunday for a second visit together with my…

17 years ago
Tearing apart the Chintendo ViiTearing apart the Chintendo Vii

Tearing apart the Chintendo Vii

It's a great pirated machine... really... No wonder James Wong decided to endorse it! Check out this video where the…

17 years ago
Chintendo Vii and James WongChintendo Vii and James Wong

Chintendo Vii and James Wong

You have probably already read about it from the local media - our local athlete, James Wong is said to…

17 years ago