Sunday Times did a full page write-up about them today. Here's the seven victims of the Edison Chen sex photos…
Check out this funny game some joker created in response to the Edison Chen sex photos scandal. You can fork…
Obtained via one of the Hong Kong tabloid. Click on image above to see the enlarged version. (more…)
Found this on the Internet. I know it's cruel, but it's damn hilarious can! Poor poor Nicholas. To think he…
Yes, the Dragon has spoken on the Edison Chen sex photos scandal. Steven Dragon Lim that is. in his own…
Gosh! There seems to be new photos uploaded everyday! Edison Chen really sabotaged the career of many female celebrities! Here…
Following my previous post on Edison Chen, here's a follow-up entry on two of the female celebrities who are sabotaged…
Edison Chen Kwoon-Hei is a Hong Kong celebrity, famous both for acting and singing. He is also the founder of…
I finally get to catch Balls of Fury together with Rachel on Friday night. We were both burnt out from…