
A story about Mee Siam mai Hum

Picture via ieatishootipost.sg Via EDMW. Posted by a forummer called vincentteo, I found this spoof on our government really hilarious.…

15 years ago

Eelyn Kok (郭蕙文)’s “explodes in your mouth” gaffe

Via EDMW. This is a trivial incident actually, but I found it rather amusing. :) MediaCorp star, Eelyn Kok (郭蕙文)…

15 years ago

Evidence Batman is Gay

Via EDMW. Here's the piece of evidence which will answer the age old question of whether Batman is gay and…

16 years ago

That’s my MacDonald?

I hope these allegations are not true. I always have a good impression on the hygiene standard of Macdonald's restaurants,…

16 years ago

Dawn Yang and her copyrights

This is my third entry on Dawn Yang and her plagarised entries already. For those who do not know what…

16 years ago

Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries?

As reported on omy, EDMW, XXvsDY, Dawnwayang and theliesofdawnyang, there are many dirts surfacing in the local Internet community on…

16 years ago

Make your own Motivational Posters

Saw this via EDMW. :) Click here to make your own motivational posters. Now, your choices won't be just limited…

16 years ago

Updates on suspected Patent Troll, Vuestar

(I can’t hyperlink the image above to their website as it will infringe their patent) I wrote an entry about…

16 years ago

Vuestar: Imaging linking on the Internet is PATENTED

(I can't hyperlink the image above to their website as it will infringe their patent) Zhun bo?????? Can patent this…

16 years ago

Nokia: Connecting People?

There's quite a fair bit of bad publicity with regards to Nokia Singapore's service standard lately over the Internet. First…

16 years ago