disgusting steven lim

Stop Bully Steven Lim!!! Steven Lim was framed!!!

Remember my two previous posts (Steven Lim: 真相!陈冠希被人陷害!Edison Chen was framed!, Steven Lim: STOP BULLYING EDISON CHEN! 不要欺负陈冠希了!) on disgusting…

17 years ago

Steven Lim: 真相!陈冠希被人陷害!Edison Chen was framed!

[youtube url="http://www.youtube.com/v/LcR_CLK5dc4&rel=1"] Our national pride, Steven Dragon Lim has released another video in relation to the Edison Chen sex photos scandal.…

17 years ago

Steven Lim: STOP BULLYING EDISON CHEN! 不要欺负陈冠希了!

Yes, the Dragon has spoken on the Edison Chen sex photos scandal. Steven Dragon Lim that is. in his own…

17 years ago

Want a body like Steven Lim?

You saw his sweaty neh neh pok. Now, do you want for yourself - a body like his? Call Steven…

18 years ago

Steven “Dragon” Lim

Steven Lim - now also known as "Dragon", is looking for a girlfriend. Any takers? :) In his own words:…

18 years ago