chan koon hei edison chen


Can you believe it? Cecilia Cheung (张柏芝) actually went and endorse a vagina wash product after the Edison Chen sex…

17 years ago


Check out this funny little game I found on the Internet poking fun of the Edison Chen's sex photos scandal.…

17 years ago
How are Mas Selamat Kastari and Edison Chen related?How are Mas Selamat Kastari and Edison Chen related?

How are Mas Selamat Kastari and Edison Chen related?

Lunch time joke yesterday: How are these two men related? Can you see the link? Mas Selamat Kastari is the…

17 years ago
Edison Chen showing off his photo collectionEdison Chen showing off his photo collection

Edison Chen showing off his photo collection

Apparently, he looks very proud of his wonderful collection. :) (more…)

17 years ago
Edison & Nicholas: 兄弟之交Edison & Nicholas: 兄弟之交

Edison & Nicholas: 兄弟之交

Someone managed to stitch together, a coherent spoof video on the Edison Chen sex photos scandal using old movie footages…

17 years ago
VVVIP Edison ChenVVVIP Edison Chen

VVVIP Edison Chen

Saw this photo via the Hardware Zone forum. Shocking hor? Look at the amount of security personnels guarding Edison's car!…

17 years ago
Edison Chen’s Press Conference SummaryEdison Chen’s Press Conference Summary

Edison Chen’s Press Conference Summary

300 members of the press were present at Edison Chen's press conference this afternoon at 3pm. He spoke for only…

17 years ago
Edison Chen Press Conference @ 3pm TodayEdison Chen Press Conference @ 3pm Today

Edison Chen Press Conference @ 3pm Today

Edison Chen has already returned to Hong Kong this morning from Boston and will be holding at press conference at…

17 years ago
Edison Chen and Nicholas TseEdison Chen and Nicholas Tse

Edison Chen and Nicholas Tse

Found this on the Internet. I know it's cruel, but it's damn hilarious can! Poor poor Nicholas. To think he…

17 years ago