Ang Geck Geck

Many Stories, One Singapore: 48 Singapore Blogs I ReadMany Stories, One Singapore: 48 Singapore Blogs I Read

Many Stories, One Singapore: 48 Singapore Blogs I Read

Happy birthday Singapore! The theme for this year's National Day Parade is "Many Stories, One Singapore". To join in the…

12 years ago
Bloggers’ Charity Dinner Date at Limoncello Restaurant with Bidders from Sold.SGBloggers’ Charity Dinner Date at Limoncello Restaurant with Bidders from Sold.SG

Bloggers’ Charity Dinner Date at Limoncello Restaurant with Bidders from Sold.SG

As mentioned in a previous blog post,, Singapore’s leading online shopping destination for luxury and entertainment products, helped their users…

13 years ago
Bid for a Valentine’s date with any of’s ten bloggers to raise money for charity!Bid for a Valentine’s date with any of’s ten bloggers to raise money for charity!

Bid for a Valentine’s date with any of’s ten bloggers to raise money for charity!

Plugging this for, and of course, the ten brave bloggers whom have put themselves up for bid to…

13 years ago
Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 4 of 6Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 4 of 6

Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 4 of 6

My fourth day in Hong Kong was also the last day I will be spending with the ten bloggers. Most…

14 years ago
Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 3 of 6Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 3 of 6

Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 3 of 6

On my third day in Hong Kong, I met up with Peter, Catherine, Ming Choy and Siew Kian in the…

14 years ago
Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 2 of 6Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 2 of 6

Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 2 of 6

On my second day, I woke up early to have breakfast together with the bloggers at the hotel in-house restaurant.…

15 years ago
Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 1 of 6Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 1 of 6

Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – Day 1 of 6

On my first day in Hong Kong (HK), upon arriving at the Hong Kong International Airport, we were quickly ferried…

15 years ago
Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – A PreludeHong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – A Prelude

Hong Kong Summer Spectacular with HKTB – A Prelude

Approximately a month back in July, I had the privilege to fly to Hong Kong for a 4D3N hosted trip…

15 years ago