
Five short trips for 2015

It may be just days into the new year, but hey, now's a good time to start planning trips for…

9 years ago

Spending the festive season overseas

I don't normally attend New Year countdown events. But a couple of years ago, I decided on a lark that…

9 years ago

You should have been here years ago

I bet you've probably heard this refrain a thousand times before on your travels - that you should have been…

9 years ago

Henan – Glorious past, now just a faded memory

“I may be born in China, but I am Jewish and I hope to return to Israel one day,“ said…

10 years ago

Three places to visit in Johor

Mention Johor and what do you think of? Shopping malls, Legoland and erm, Iskandar? Well, even though Johor's not exactly…

10 years ago

Arezzo – Far from the madding crowd

The two Italian men looked at us with a mixture of befuddlement and amusement. My friends and I must have…

10 years ago

Holiday gone wrong

The tall Dutch guy came running out of the darkness, ashen-faced and on the verge of tears. He cried out,…

10 years ago

Kashgar – The other face of China

The lady beside me gripped the sides of the seat, shut her eyes and started mumbling some prayers as the…

10 years ago

Why I love budget airlines

You might be familiar with Air Asia's slogan, 'Now everyone can fly'. Well, it might not be entirely true, but…

10 years ago

The Philippines – Closer to heaven

A strong, pungent smell hit us in the face as we walked into the cave. We could hear some chirps…

10 years ago