6 Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea And Why You Should Drink It Everyday - Alvinology

6 Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea And Why You Should Drink It Everyday

There is a famous Chinese story about the tea and its benefits but also a short and fitting Tea Poem by William Gladstone, former PM of Great Britain, that shares the same wisdom:

“If you’re cold, tea will warm you.

If you’re too heated, it will cool you.

 If you’re depressed, it will cheer you.

 If you’re excited, it will calm you.”

And out of all the types and kinds, there is one that is believed and, by many people, proved to be the healthiest and all-around beneficial for our wellbeing, that it deserves to be called the fairest of them all.

Cold Brew VS Warm Brew

With the arrival of warmer days, many tea drinkers might struggle to stick to their rituals of drinking the favorite beverage hot, and although there’s nothing wrong with sipping it like that – you will cherish the fact that cold one has just as equal benefits, and it also gives a little bit of a twist in flavor, which is both refreshing and original.

This perfect reviving beverage has, by some opinions, an even better and tastier flavor than hot brewed, and we’re here to confirm that! Alongside the benefits, we would never assume that cold brew green tea is even an option, but Let’s Drink Tea reassures us about this, adding that cold brew isn’t the same as brewing it hot and letting it cool. Go ahead and learn how to prepare the best cold brew and what are the gains you can expect.

Cancer or Not

Green tea is proved to have a high level of antioxidants which are, again, proved to prevent cell damage. These chemicals in our cells, in fact, can interfere with the growth of carcinogen DNA, and the logical conclusion here is that tea works as cancer prevention, and especially the green one.

And not just prevention is what we talk about, but several studies have also shown that drinking green tea may negatively impact tumor growth as well.

The reason must be its processing after picking since it is short, dealing with steam and dry air. This allows the leaves to keep their elasticity, a high level of antioxidants, and the characteristic green color.

Helping Hand with Caffeine Intake

Do you reflect on your caffeine intake? Admitting that you’re a caffeine junkie is one thing, but doing something about it, is completely another.

Switching coffee or energy drinks for any tea is considered healthier and easier to transit, lower, or cut out caffeine, and luckily, green tea can help you even more with this issue as it has the least level of caffeine of all teas. The struggle will be real, but you only need to remember that green tea will also help improve mental focus, concentration and fight fatigue, just like a regular coffee cup.

Sugar? No, Thanks!

The same goes with high sugar intake and the need to cut it down due to rising health reasons. Green tea doesn’t contain any sugar naturally (even though you wouldn’t say so if you try cold brew), and if you don’t add any sweeteners – it can also be your ace in fighting that sweet tooth.

And just as sugar proves to be destructive to your teeth – green tea doesn’t. On the contrary, some research shows that it changes pH levels in the mouth resulting in protecting the enamel and preventing cavities and tooth loss!

Calm Down and Drink Green Tea

Recent studies have shown that a regular intake of green tea is closely connected to lower levels of cortisone, the hormone of stress. Sure, cortisol is a highly important hormone as it acts in situations of danger and stress, helping the body to respond properly and survive. It also controls blood pressure, increases the body’s metabolism, reduces inflammation, but in plain life situations, like stress on work, common fatigue, or your favorite character dying is unnecessary, to say the least.

So, unwind and de-stress with your daily cup of green tea.

Other Health Benefits

Whether you drink green tea every day because you like its mild taste or because of all the benefits, it is worth knowing what you’re boosting either way:

  • Reducing the risk of heart diseases as it is “cleaning” your blood vessels with every sip.
  • It lowers triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
  • Helping with weight loss (and especially that stomach fat) as it makes the metabolism faster.
  • Drinking green tea every day keeps you hydrated and helps with insomnia and migraines.
6 Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea And Why You Should Drink It Everyday - Alvinology

And, if you’re an all-time green tea lover and an everyday consumer, these benefits will either amaze you or confirm your wisdom as well. Here’s to green tea!

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