The Top Health Risks Associated With An Inactive Lifestyle In 2020 - Alvinology

The Top Health Risks Associated With An Inactive Lifestyle In 2020

Doctors are sounding alarms about the rise in health problems brought upon by an inactive lifestyle. With the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown, it is important that we take into consideration our health. Read more.

  • Did you know that more than 40 million people die every year because of lifestyle-related diseases?
  • Are you aware that heart issues and attacks kill nearly 18 million individuals every single year?
  • Have you tried finding the possible links between the heart and other diseases and an inactive lifestyle?

In the past few years, many doctors and health experts are raising their voices warning about lifestyle diseases and how they are on the rise. While many of you are not aware of what it actually means, lifestyle disorders are life-threatening,

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In this article, we speak to a leading heart specialist doctor, Dr. Gerard Leong, and ask him about how an inactive lifestyle is contributing to diseases and illnesses. However, before we begin, let us first look at the meaning and definition of lifestyle diseases.

Lifestyle Diseases: What are they?

According to experts, a lifestyle is a way or a form of living on a day-to-day basis of certain groups of people living within a geographical region or territory.

For example, the working models may be corporates in an urban center or a farming community living on the grasslands. Both these groups of people will have-

  • Different eating and drinking habits
  • Engage in different types and forms of physical activity
  • Have diverse sleep patterns
  • Varied levels of technology and gadget use
  • Live in different environmental conditions (pollution, dust, noise, etc.)

A lifestyle disease happens as something, which takes place by following a particular model of living. For example, if you are a corporate sitting and working long shifts (fourteen to sixteen hours a day) in front of a screen, you are likely to suffer from obesity!

Staying in an urban jungle, especially during the pandemic also means that your body is not getting enough exercise. The lack of physical activity is not good for the human body and can lead to health complications.

List of Top Health Risks associated with an Inactive Lifestyle in 2020

  1. Heart Diseases-

The first and foremost health issue associated with an inactive or sedentary lifestyle is heart disease. Thinning of the blood, failure of the heart to pump blood (weak heart muscles), along with blockage of arteries and coronaries, can give rise to a stroke. Leading an active lifestyle can help in improving the strength of heart muscles leading to their proper functioning.

  1. Diabetes-

You are sitting on an office chair, eating take-out, junk fast food, drinking soda, and binging on multiple cups of caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee. Do you know what is going to happen to you after a while (three to six months)? You will be down with an increase in blood sugar levels brought upon by an inactive lifestyle. Diabetes is one of the worse lifestyle diseases.

  1. Obesity-

Following from the above example, you will realize that a sedentary lifestyle will lead to weight gain. Many doctors have already sounded the alarm that the pandemic and the lockdown has made people eat more to spend their time. This has led to lots of people gaining weight. A term commonly referred to as a ‘pandemic weight’. However, obesity is a serious health issue.

  1. Depression-

Did you know that engaging in physical exercises and workouts helps in releasing positive toxins and hormones in the brain? These ‘happy hormones’ act as mood uplifters and counter mental health issues like anxiety, stress, and depression. They also play a positive role in refreshing your brand and allowing you to feel positive even in the face of adversities.

The Final Word

Lifestyle diseases are a real and emerging threat and should be addressed. It is important that we try to be as active as possible, even during these tough times. If you wish to know more about lifestyle diseases or what can be done to counter them, drop your questions in the comments section below.

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