Looking for the hottest shows on Netflix? Here are tips on how to optimize your search - Alvinology

Looking for the hottest shows on Netflix? Here are tips on how to optimize your search

This circuit breaker period did not only make us realize how fun it is to spend time with family, but it also allowed us to discover one hidden superpower – the ability to finish 5 or more movies in a single day!

However, having extraordinary talent is bound to have consequences. We’re not talking about “great power comes great electricity bill” kind of stuff. Although that is somewhat true, the true villain of our stay at home story is running out of movie ideas, and that is more terrifying.

But, worry not, every superhero has an awesome sidekick. And in this story, we’ve got Netflix, coming to our rescue, sharing us these 5 little-known tips on how to discover more movies:

1. Check out the Top 10 Lists

Looking for the hottest shows on Netflix? Here are tips on how to optimize your search - Alvinology

Netflix recently announced that you can now see what’s popular in your country through a special Top 10 row. This list is being updated every day. Not only that, if you look under the “Series” or “Films” tabs – you will also find a Top 10 list each for TV series and movies, which are also updated daily.

2. Search for Quirky Questions

The Netflix “Search” function may be one of its most underrated features. Did you know that besides searching for specific show or film titles and genres, you can also search for shows that may have been tagged under specific categories?

Entertainment is about moods, so there’s something for whatever mood you’re in right now. Missing your girl gang? Maybe a gal pal movie is just what you need to cheer you up. Or you’ve had your fill of reality, and want to escape into a world of fantasy movies, or epic worlds. Or you’re looking for an initiation into anime or K-drama. Here are a few to get started:

  • Great K-drama screenwriters
  • Romantic workplace TV shows
  • Watch in one weekend
  • Ensemble TV shows
  • Love triangle K-dramas
  • Fantasy movies
  • Talking animals
  • Slow burn
  • Epic worlds
  • Feel-good
  • Anime for Beginners
  • Retro TV
  • Underdogs
  • Gal pal movies and TV shows

3. Check out ‘More Like This’

Looking for the hottest shows on Netflix? Here are tips on how to optimize your search - Alvinology

If you enjoyed watching a particular show or movie, you can actually check out similar ones under the “More Like This” tab under the show’s title page. Clicking on it reveals a list of other shows that Netflix thinks are similar. So, if you enjoyed that one show or film, this is a great way to find more that might interest you.

4. Surfing the Details

Looking for the hottest shows on Netflix? Here are tips on how to optimize your search - Alvinology

This only works on the web interface but there’s seriously a lot of useful information hidden away under the “Details” tab of a show. When you click on it, you will find the show’s creators, cast, genres, and even interesting tags.

Here’s the thing: Did you know that all these are clickable? So, if you click on the name of an actor, Netflix will show you all the films on the service that the actor appears in. Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, click on the interesting tags under “This show is” which will take you to shows that have been tagged with words like, “Goofy” or “Feel Good”.

5. Never Miss a Movie/Show that’s Coming Soon

Looking for the hottest shows on Netflix? Here are tips on how to optimize your search - Alvinology

On mobile devices, there is a tab called “Coming Soon”. Under this tab, you’ll see the trailer and a helpful synopsis. Not only that, if you’re looking forward to a specific show, you can also click on the “Remind Me” bell icon so that you can get a notification when the show premieres on Netflix! That way, you never miss out on the next big movie or show.

These amazing tips should help you survive the circuit breaker boredom for a long time. If, somehow, you’ve already done all that, you can always call more sidekicks – your social media friends. Surely, they know one or two awesome movies/shows you still haven’t watched.

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